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Brainy Time
Good Read
Growing Up
Knowledge (Science and Daily Senses)
0 - 1 years old
1 - 3 years old
4 - 6 years old
7 - 9 years old
10 - 14 years old
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Pop-up/ Lift the Flap/ Sound Books/ Touch and Feel
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Bilingual: English and Chinese
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Back To School
4 - 6 years old

Gift Card
SGD 20.00 - SGD 100.00
SGD 20.00 - SGD 100.00

Guess How Much I Love You | 猜猜我有多爱你
SGD 12.90
SGD 12.90

The Crocodile and the Dentist | 鳄鱼怕怕牙医怕怕
SGD 13.90
SGD 13.90

Let's Stick Sticker Series | 我来贴贴纸系列(全6册)
SGD 16.50
SGD 16.50

Growing Up Well Series | 儿童成长指导系列(全4册)
SGD 18.90 - SGD 66.90
SGD 18.90 - SGD 66.90

Magical Sticker IQ.EQ.CQ Series | 神奇贴纸书 IQ.EQ.CQ 系列(全3册)
SGD 8.50
SGD 8.50

Baby Encyclopedia Foundation/ Intermediate Series | 幼儿认知小百科中英双语基础/进阶版(全8册)
SGD 29.90 - SGD 39.90
SGD 29.90 - SGD 39.90

Language Handbook Series | 语言图鉴(全4册)
SGD 23.90
SGD 23.90

The Little Hands Craft Series | 幼儿小手工(全6册)
SGD 12.90
SGD 12.90

The Stars Lover Kid Series (Hardcover) | 摘星星的孩子系列 (全4册)
SGD 22.90
SGD 22.90

Di Zi Gui Simple Series | 弟子规 (6册)
SGD 19.90
SGD 19.90

Pop -up 3D Daily Life Scenario | 幼儿社交能力培养立体书 (全6册)
SGD 11.90 - SGD 59.90
SGD 11.90 - SGD 59.90

Word Puzzle Set | 小小孩宝宝识字拼图
SGD 3.00 - SGD 16.90
SGD 3.00 - SGD 16.90

Flash Cards Box Set | 汉字神童 盒装
SGD 12.90
SGD 12.90

The 14 Forest Mice Series 1 & 2 | 14只老鼠 第一辑 和 第二辑
SGD 25.90 - SGD 48.90
SGD 25.90 - SGD 48.90